The Paddlefish
Veslonoša (Polyodon spathula)
Veslokljun je slatkovodna riba starija od dinosaura! Lako se prepoznaje po velikim ustima i produljenoj gornjoj čeljusti.
Pomoću gornje čeljusti opremljene elektroreceptorima opaža slaba električna polja.
Na taj način locira planktonske organizme koji su mu glavna hrana.
The Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula)
The paddlefish is an archaic freshwater fish with a paddlelike snout, a wide mouth, smooth skin, and a cartilaginous skeleton.
The upper jaw of the paddlefish is equipped with electrical receptors to sense weak electric fields.
This enables it to locate the planktonic organisms that form most of its diet.